Event Launch

Asia's Largest Economic Summit


AMES (Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society) is Asia’s largest Economic Conference and will be hosted in Singapore in 2023. This summit brings experts, researchers, and institutions worldwide to participate in keynote lectures, plenary talks, contributed paper sessions and special panel discussions.

• As an integral component of this project, our team collaborated closely with the organizing committee of the Association for Modern Educational Systems (AMES) to extensively develop and enhance various aspects of their branding, design, and online presence. Our concerted efforts were focused on creating a remarkable visual identity that resonates with their mission and values, as well as capturing the essence of the upcoming event.

• To accomplish this, we dedicated substantial time and resources to meticulously refining the branding elements, ensuring they encapsulated the unique spirit and purpose of AMES. Through thoughtful discussions and iterative design processes, we collaborated hand-in-hand with the organizing committee to meticulously craft a distinct and visually captivating brand identity that aligns seamlessly with the goals of the organization.

Furthermore, our collaboration extended beyond branding and design, encompassing the development of a cutting-edge website, ames2023ntu.org, which serves as a central hub of information for the event. With utmost attention to detail, we crafted an engaging and user-friendly online platform that not only showcases the event's details but also conveys the excitement and anticipation surrounding it. We worked with the organizing committee of AMES to work on their branding, design, website (ames2023ntu.org), and online launch of the event.